Why Is Creation Crucial?
Creation is foundational to faith, truth, and freedom. From shaping science and human rights to countering dangerous ideologies, understanding creation is key to advancing God's work in the world. Explore how creation strengthens faith, exposes falsehoods, and is essential for life, relationships, and justice.
Throughout the Bible, God teaches creation truth as a powerful reason for worship (Rev. 4:11), calling us to 'Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water' (Rev. 14:7). This call rings especially loud in an age of deliberate deceptions about creation and the flood (2 Peter 3:3–5). Rejecting the Creator leads to greed, contributing to chaotic times and social turmoil (2 Tim. 3:1–5). Yet, God provides vast knowledge—including scientific insight—to help us share His truths (Daniel 12:4), expose evil (Eph. 5:11), advance evangelism (Acts 17:24–28), combat injustice (Luke 4:18–19), and tackle life’s challenges.

Several research studies reveal that false claims of abiogenesis and Darwinism have become the leading cause of lost faith. In contrast, understanding the evidence for fine-tuning and the intricate design in creation not only strengthens faith but also boosts evangelism!
West, John G. "Darwin's Corrosive Idea: The Impact of Evolution on Attitudes About Faith, Ethics, and Human Uniqueness." https://www.discovery.org/id/o/survey/
Creation’s intrinsic equality has been a driving force behind Jewish and Christian pioneers leading most major advances in human rights. This foundation has drawn many closer to God and remains essential for building safe, thriving societies.
Zimmermann, Agusto. The Christian foundations of the rule of law in the West: a legacy of liberty and resistance against tyranny.” Journal of Creation 19(2):67–73, August 2005. https://creation.com/the-christian-foundations-of-the-rule-of-law-in-the-west-a-legacy-of-liberty-and-resistance-against-tyranny.

Crime & Injustice
In stark contrast, psychologists like Dr. Michelle Maiese point out that the first step toward abuse, crime, and atrocities is viewing others as inferior. This mindset is intrinsic to Darwinism, and even many professors admit that Darwinism fuels racism, economic injustice, crime, and government atrocities. Stephen Jay Gould, a leading Marxist Darwinian and Harvard professor, acknowledged that due to Darwinism, "Biological arguments for racism... increased by orders of magnitude." Scholars like Dr. Richard Weikart of California State University, Stanislaus, and Dr. Agustín Fuentes of Princeton University have written about Darwin’s racist and sexist views, noting how they dangerously shaped Nazi ideology and continue to fuel corruption and abuse today.
Maiese, Michelle and Burgess, Heidi. “Dehumanization”. July 2003, updated in June 2020. https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization
Creationists laid the very foundations of science and many key disciplines, while materialistic worldviews have often hindered scientific progress.
Sarfati, Jonathan. “The Biblical Roots of Modern Science”. September 29 , 2009. https://creation.com/biblical-roots-of-modern-science

Greed & Immorality
Darwinian "survival of the fittest" promotes greed, which God warns will lead to terrible times and is the root of all evil (2 Tim. 3:1–2; 1 Tim. 6:10). Oxford researcher Peter Turchin connects massive corporate frauds, resulting in billions or even trillions in losses, to this Darwinian "greed is good" ideology. Secular historians Will and Ariel Durant also affirm that no society has "maintain[ed] moral life without the aid of religion."
Turchin, Peter. “Selfish Genes Made Me Do It! (Part I and II)”. December 05, 2013. https://peterturchin.com/cliodynamica/selfish-genes-made-me-do-it-part-i/
​Durant, Will. The Lessons of History [Durant1968], pg. 43, 51; “On the Meaning of Life” p. 23.
Advancing God's Work
Creation plays a vital role in advancing God’s work. Professor K.S. Latourette noted that the number of missionaries in China more than quadrupled in the early 1900s, but by the 1920s, mission growth was cut in half. Why? The rise of evolutionary naturalism and liberal theology. Many atheists target creation in their attacks because, as one said, "evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was… necessary… If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing."
Grigg, Russell. “The impact of evolution on the missionary evangelization of China.” Creation 34(3):44–46, July 2012 https://creation.com/the-impact-of-evolution-on-the-missionary-evangelization-of-china
Bozarth, G. Richard. ‘The Meaning of Evolution’, American Atheist, p. 30, February 1978. https://creation.com/the-atheists-know-why-christianity-has-to-fight-evolution

Discover the vital role of creation in strengthening faith, promoting justice, and advancing God's work—register now for the Creation Is Crucial conference to explore these transformative truths!