We thank God for the profound insights and inspiration gained from this creation conference. As Revelation 14:7 reminds us, “Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come. Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water.” We stand in awe of Your magnificent creation and the wisdom it reveals. We invite all who have been touched by this conference to honor and worship You, our Creator, recognizing the crucial role Your creation plays in our lives and faith. May we continue to glorify You in all we do.
We extend our gratitude to Southern Adventist University, the Office of Ministries and Missions, Joseph Khabbaz, the Highpoint Chinese SDA Church led by Pastor Li, and the church board for sponsoring this event. Their prayers and dedication in sharing the truths about a Creator filled with amazing love, creativity, and scientific genius have been invaluable! We also thank the Georgia Cumberland Conference, Southern Tidings, Ministry Magazine, and Dr. Corjena Cheung for helping promote this creation conference.
Bryan Bissell discovered research from the Bible and science on why creation is crucial now inspiring many volunteers to dedicate countless hours to this dream of honoring our Creator with powerful evidence and love. Ariel Warren provided creative inspiration for the designs, logo, and website, investing many hours in making incredible designs to celebrate our Creator! Professor Joanna Billingy contributed her expertise in administration, organization, and design, helping us excel beyond what we thought possible.
We deeply appreciate the Creation Committee (Pastor Li, Dr. Joseph Lee, Chad Starr, Joanna Billingy, Ariel Warren, and Bryan Bissell) for their many hours of thoughtful discussion, wisdom, and action that guided the conference plans to fruition and fruitful outcomes.
We are grateful to all the speakers and MCs (listed in the program) for their dedication and inspiration in sharing eloquent insights about our Creator and ensuring the smooth operation of our event! Special thanks to Mariel Gonzalez and Eric Palacios for their efforts on the children’s program! Thank you to Samuel Vargas for coordinating the music! We also thank Casey Sernaqué and Christ Jesus Ministries for managing A/V and live interviews, as well as Linski Cherisol and Southern’s A/V department! We appreciate the Creation Walkthru for traveling many hours to bring their wonderful creation exhibits (and Dr. Lee for introducing us to them)! Thanks to Evelyn Ramley, our energetic coordinator, especially for booth management and creative ideas, and to Hulungia Pulini and Tui Silafau for their help in recruiting volunteers and organizing efforts.
Thanks to leaders who planned with various departments in this conference, including: Alfred Luna (logistics), Luna Xinlu (decorations), Jordan McCullough (outdoor activities), Dr. Joseph Lee/Carlyle Welch (literature), Norma Kenny-Maclure (prayer), Barry Horne (hospitality), Arsene Almanor (security), Michelle Amos (coding), Daniel Ramley (marketing), Raul Rivero, and their helpers in each department.
Finally, we thank Genesis Apologetics and the John 10:10 Project for allowing us to use their beautiful creation videos!
This concludes this conference, but more creation events are on the horizon. Check back periodically for resources to help schools, churches, and others glorify our Creator, who made us, died for us, and is coming back soon to recreate the world anew as He originally intended!